

Ringstrasse 3, Pleidelsheim 74385
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About us

8 Product and services

Profile Development
Profile Development
Creating innovations from ideas. This is the task of our internal technicians, who develop solutions for our clients. Our own tool manufacturing and i...
Solar and PV substructures
Solar and PV substructures
Planning and configuration of solar and PV substructures. Whether it's roof or ground-mounted systems, we can handle any variant.
AeroFlex Fusion - Solar Mounting Structure
AeroFlex Fusion - Solar Mounting Structure
3 times faster than other systems! Our new product Aeroflex Fusion: AeroFlex Fusion is a revolutionary and lightweight flat roof mounting system for s...
Aluminum Profile according to Drawing
Aluminum Profile according to Drawing
Aluminum Drawing Profiles – Custom Manufacturing. Aluminum profiles according to customer specifications, custom aluminum profiles and profile system...
Surface Treatment
Surface Treatment
Surface Treatment – from smooth to rough, from colored to metallic Aluminum may require a targeted individual surface treatment. The various types of...
Profile Editing
Profile Editing
Profile Processing – From Sawing, Drilling, Punching, and Milling To achieve the desired customer solutions for processing an aluminum profile, tradi...
Disinfection dispenser
Disinfection dispenser
Automatic disinfectant dispenser including stainless steel stand (round or square) with disinfectant. 20,000 sprays with 1 battery set (8 x AA batteri...
The smart substructure for photovoltaic systems. I-FIX for east-west orientations. ONE technology. ONE material. ONE piece. The highly developed supp...

Location and contact

AddressRingstrasse 3, DE-74385 Pleidelsheim

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