Berßeler Strasse 5, Schauen 38835
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10 Product and services

Hörmann Running Wheel with 110 mm Shaft
Hörmann Running Wheel with 110 mm Shaft
for garage sectional doors of series 40 (fitting Z) and EcoStar...
Hörmann SupraMatic P Garage Door Operator Series 3 BiSecur
Hörmann SupraMatic P Garage Door Operator Series 3 BiSecur
Complete with mounting material, remote control, and light barrier EL 101, without rail.
Hörmann Key Ring for HSM Remote Control
Hörmann Key Ring for HSM Remote Control
Key ring for remote control HSM - Item number: 438010...
Hörmann Guide Rail FS10-L One-Piece L-Rail
Hörmann Guide Rail FS10-L One-Piece L-Rail
fully pre-assembled with automatic belt tensioning, a 2-part rail is delivered outside of Germany...
Hörmann Evaluation Unit for Code Keypad CTR 1b / CTV 1
Hörmann Evaluation Unit for Code Keypad CTR 1b / CTV 1
for all Hörmann gate operators and third-party operators with impulse control, also suitable for electric door openers, power supply 24 V or 230 V...
Hörmann Torsion Spring R26
Hörmann Torsion Spring R26
was replaced by torsion spring R707 (item 3051916), for garage sectional doors of series 20, 30, and 40...
Hörmann Electric Lock for Pillar Locking 24 V DC
Hörmann Electric Lock for Pillar Locking 24 V DC
for Hörmann swing gate operator RotaMatic, RotaMatic P, RotaMatic PL, and RotaMatic battery, for locking to a post, control voltage 24 V DC...
Hörmann Front Door RenoDoor RAL 9016 LEFT-HANDED
Hörmann Front Door RenoDoor RAL 9016 LEFT-HANDED
Aluminum frame, triple insulating glass, sandblasted with clear cross stripes...
Hörmann Door Handle Set TS 42.5 mm, Black Plastic, PZ
Hörmann Door Handle Set TS 42.5 mm, Black Plastic, PZ
for garage sectional doors of series 40...
Hörmann sectional door 2375x2000 mm including garage door opener
Hörmann sectional door 2375x2000 mm including garage door opener
Latest version as of 05/2015, including ProMatic Series 3 BiSecur drive, including 2-button remote control HSE 2 black BiSecur and K-rail, RAL 9016 (T...

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AddressBerßeler Strasse 5, DE-38835 Schauen
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