BATTE IL CUORE International

Via Dei Tintori, 11/13, Modena (MO) 41121
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About us
The brand "Batte il Cuore" was created with the idea of selling an Italian product made from its own materials and to become well-known both in Italy and abroad. The price and quality must be acceptable to the purchasing public.

2 Product and services

Silk Kaftan - Heartbeat
Silk Kaftan - Heartbeat
Red silk kaftan, handmade in Italy...
Spotted Pants and T-Shirt - Heartbeat
Spotted Pants and T-Shirt - Heartbeat
Gold-dyed spotted pants and T-shirt, made in Italy.

Location and contact

BATTE IL CUORE International
AddressVia Dei Tintori, 11/13, IT-41121 Modena (MO)

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