

47 Avenue Urbain le Verrier , Saint Priest 69800
Delivery: National
Founded: 2008
Employees: 5-9
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21 Product and services

Air Conditioning Ventilation Heating - Products Used
Air Conditioning Ventilation Heating - Products Used
In order to offer a comprehensive air management solution, Awitech carries out installations for air conditioning/ventilation/heating in partnership w...
Dust Collectors - Used Products
Dust Collectors - Used Products
AWITECH offers a very wide range of dust collectors: pneumatic cleaning dust collectors, cartridge dust collectors, or sleeve dust collectors. The sel...
Fans - Used Products
Fans - Used Products
Centrifugal fan Adiabatic method fan Waste transport fan Transmission fan Fan with frequency variation Helical fans ATEX fan Towers Soundproof casing ...
Aw-t Diffuser Walls - Products Used
Aw-t Diffuser Walls - Products Used
The AW-T diffusing walls have been specifically developed for shooting ranges and comply with INRS recommendations. They ensure, from a regulatory sta...
Industrial Dusting - Industrial Dust CollectorNext
Industrial Dusting - Industrial Dust Collector
Industrial dust extraction serves to capture, suction, and filter pollutants at workstations or during production processes. The primary goal is to pr...
ATEX EnvironmentNext
ATEX Environment
WHAT IS an ATEX ENVIRONMENT? An explosive atmosphere (ATEX) is a mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form ...
Hood Canopy Enveloping Sensors - Used Products
Hood Canopy Enveloping Sensors - Used Products
The capture of pollutants is the key point of any successful installation. The design of source capture must take into account numerous parameters: - ...
Industrial Ventilation - Fume and Vapor ExtractionNext
Industrial Ventilation - Fume and Vapor Extraction
Ventilation improves the air quality in your work environment by extracting vapors and fumes (hot, greasy, acidic, odorous, etc.). Awitech defines al...
Oil Mist Filters - Used Products
Oil Mist Filters - Used Products
AWITECH's suction and filtration systems are designed for filtering oil mist emitted by machining centers. Our filters, whether mechanical or electros...
Oil Mist Filtration - Products Used
Oil Mist Filtration - Products Used
AWITECH offers a wide range of filters specifically designed for the treatment of oil mist and greasy fumes generated by machining operations (CNC mac...
Air Conditioning - Air PurificationNext
Air Conditioning - Air Purification
Air conditioning is used to produce air at a constant temperature throughout the year in order to balance the airflows extracted by various suction eq...
Spare Parts Consumables - Used Products
Spare Parts Consumables - Used Products
Thanks to its numerous partners, AWITECH offers you standard and specific spare parts and consumables, compatible with all industrial equipment availa...
Centralized Vacuum CleaningNext
Centralized Vacuum Cleaning
Centralized cleaning operates at very high vacuum levels and is typically installed as a complement to a traditional dust extraction system. A central...
Ventilation Installations - Dust RemovalNext
Ventilation Installations - Dust Removal
The ventilation and/or dust extraction systems in production workshops operate continuously, leading to significant energy consumption (electricity, h...
Suction Arms - Used Products
Suction Arms - Used Products
The extraction arms are an effective and practical solution for capturing and extracting dust, smoke, and vapors at the source in workstations. Thanks...

Location and contact

Address47 Avenue Urbain le Verrier , FR-69800 Saint Priest

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