Friedensstrasse 32, Leonding 4060
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About us
Yacht electronics: B&G, Simrad, Lowrance sailing events as corporate incentives or for customer events. Yacht charter, sailing academy: Coastal license FB1, FB2, FB3; A-certificate BFA-inland, sailing training.

6 Product and services

Raymarine Marine Electronics
Raymarine Marine Electronics
Raymarine Marine Electronics...
Simrad Yachting Electronics
Simrad Yachting Electronics
Chart plotters, autopilots, instruments, radar, VHF marine radios, AIS, sensors, depth sounders, sonars...
Lowrance Marine Electronics
Lowrance Marine Electronics
Chart plotters, autopilots, instruments, radar, VHF marine radios, AIS, sensors, depth sounders, sonars, fish finders...
Silentwind Wind Generators
Silentwind Wind Generators
Silentwind Wind Generators...
Sailing Academy and Yacht Charter
Sailing Academy and Yacht Charter
Sailing Academy and Yacht Charter...
B&G Yacht Electronics
B&G Yacht Electronics
Chart plotters, autopilots, instruments, radar, VHF marine radios, AIS, sensors, depth sounders, sonars...

Location and contact

AddressFriedensstrasse 32, AT-4060 Leonding
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