

45 Rue Danton, Levallois Perret 92300
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1921
Employees: 5-9
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About us
ORTHOS Workshops have been specializing in control and measurement devices since 1921. With ORTHOS Counting, you can rely on advice that will help you find the device suited to your needs. Our products, in stock, will be shipped on the day of your order. We can also design, create, and manufacture products that meet specific requirements.

8 Product and services

waterproof mechanical meter - waterproof alternating meter
waterproof mechanical meter - waterproof alternating meter
Mechanical counter in waterproof housing (agricultural machine) Lever or rotary alternative, 5 mm shaft right or left 5 digits, reset button, counting...
tachymeter RED POINT - tachometer
tachymeter RED POINT - tachometer
REDPOINT: non-contact electronic tachometer From 1 to 99,999 RPM, range 60 cm, Delivered complete in a case with battery.
Hand-held Measuring Tool - Measuring Counter
Hand-held Measuring Tool - Measuring Counter
Hand-held measuring device very practical for occasional measurements Delivered complete with handle and measuring wheel 20 cm in ribbed rubber, width...
Stoboscope RT STROB LED - strobe light
Stoboscope RT STROB LED - strobe light
Portable stroboscope with 30 to 300,000 flashes per minute, Light intensity of 4800 lux at 6000 fpm at 30 cm. Delivered complete in a case with batter...
people counter - entry counting
people counter - entry counting
Simple and practical people counter. Wireless and battery-operated. Lithium battery lasts 2 years. Infrared range of 1 to 10 meters. Small dimensions...
preset pulse counter - electronic preset counter
preset pulse counter - electronic preset counter
Simple counter without programming, presetting by coded wheels 6 red LEDs 11 mm. Counting input from cell or detector Dimensions 96 x 96 mm. Power sup...
decimal stopwatch - industrial stopwatch
decimal stopwatch - industrial stopwatch
3 display lines, 3 time bases to choose from: 1/100th of a second, 1/1,000th of a minute, and 1/100,000th of an hour (DMH CMH). Simultaneous display o...
Hour Meter B130 - Hour Counter
Hour Meter B130 - Hour Counter
Hour meter without reset capability. Totalization of 99,999 hours and 60 minutes with the needle. Diameter 52 mm. Counts when powered from 12 to 80 vo...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

Address45 Rue Danton, FR-92300 Levallois Perret

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