

Waldstrasse 70, Dietzenbach 63128
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Founded: 1980
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28 Product and services

QL-850 Inkjet Printer for Color Labels, Large FormatNext
QL-850 Inkjet Printer for Color Labels, Large Format
QL-850: CMYK Label Printer for Large Format Labels up to 210 mm Wide - The QL-850 is a high-performance label printer for large format color labels, d...
T3-OPX Direct Printing System for Packaging PrintingNext
T3-OPX Direct Printing System for Packaging Printing
T3-OPX Direct Printing Solution for Packaging with Ink-Absorbing Surfaces - The T3-OPX is the perfect direct printing system for all ink-absorbent sur...
T2-L Flexible Packaging Digital Press, narrow - T2-L Flexible Packaging Digital Press, industrial-grade; with food-safe inkNext
T2-L Flexible Packaging Digital Press, narrow - T2-L Flexible Packaging Digital Press, industrial-grade; with food-safe ink
The T2-L is the world’s first industrial-grade, professional digital press for flexible packaging utilizing water-based inks. This flexible packaging ...
T2-L Printing Machine for Flexible Packaging - T2-L the professional digital printing machine for flexible packagingNext
T2-L Printing Machine for Flexible Packaging - T2-L the professional digital printing machine for flexible packaging
The T2-L is the world's first professional digital printing machine for industrial-quality flexible packaging that operates with water-based inks. Thi...
T2-C Label Printing Machine as a Tabletop Device - T2-C Label Printing Machine in a Compact Format (Tabletop Device) for High VolumesNext
T2-C Label Printing Machine as a Tabletop Device - T2-C Label Printing Machine in a Compact Format (Tabletop Device) for High Volumes
T2-C, the first label printing machine in a compact desktop format. This high-performance machine is precise even with high throughput and large volum...
T3-OPX Wide-Format Direct-to-Package Printing - T3-OPX Wide-Format Durable Direct-to-Package Printing on boxes, envelopes, etc.Next
T3-OPX Wide-Format Direct-to-Package Printing - T3-OPX Wide-Format Durable Direct-to-Package Printing on boxes, envelopes, etc.
The T3-OPX is the perfect direct-to-package solution, providing the flexibility to print directly onto a wide range of materials with ink-receptive su...
QL-300 The First 5-Color-Labelprinter-CMYK+WhiteNext
QL-300 The First 5-Color-Labelprinter-CMYK+White
QL-300 The world’s first toner-based Label Printer with 5 colors: CMYK and WHITE - The QL-300 is the world’s first CMYK+White toner-based tabletop lab...
Compact High-Volume Label PressNext
Compact High-Volume Label Press
T2-C is the very first high-volume tabletop label press, 1600dpi - The T2-C is the first high-capacity tabletop label press capable of producing long ...
QL-120D Durable Tabletop Digital Label Printer - Inkjet Label Printer producing GHS & BS5609 compl. labels; highly durable; CMYKNext
QL-120D Durable Tabletop Digital Label Printer - Inkjet Label Printer producing GHS & BS5609 compl. labels; highly durable; CMYK
The QL-120D is the newest member of the QL-120 family of digital label printers, featuring durable pigment-based ink, designed for the harshest labeli...
Tabletop Digital Label PrinterNext
Tabletop Digital Label Printer
QL-120X High-End Desktop Label Printer, 1200 x 1200dpi - The QL-120X sets a new standard: The QL-120X comes with the best two-year warranty in the ind...
QL-120X Premium Inkjet Color Label Printer (CMYK)Next
QL-120X Premium Inkjet Color Label Printer (CMYK)
The QL-120X inkjet printer features the industry's best 2-year warranty - The QL-120X sets a new standard in color labeling: it comes with the industr...
T2-C High Volume Tabletop Label Press, long runsNext
T2-C High Volume Tabletop Label Press, long runs
T2-C: Tabletop color label press; high capacity, high-volumes in 24/7 production - The T2-C is the first-ever high capacity, high volume tabletop labe...
Digital Press for Flexible Packaging - T2-L Press for Flexible Packaging, 1600dpi, Industrial QualityNext
Digital Press for Flexible Packaging - T2-L Press for Flexible Packaging, 1600dpi, Industrial Quality
T2-L – Printing on Flexible Packaging – this water-based inkjet press features inline cold lamination. It adapts to a wide range of flexible packaging...
Label Printer: CMYK+WHITE, 1200dpi - QL-300 Toner-Based Label Printer: CMYK+WHITE, 1200 x 1200 dpiNext
Label Printer: CMYK+WHITE, 1200dpi - QL-300 Toner-Based Label Printer: CMYK+WHITE, 1200 x 1200 dpi
The QL-300 is the world's first CMYK+White toner-based tabletop label printer. It allows you to create high-quality labels with exceptional durability...
Direct printing on packaging - T3-OPX Direct printing on ink-receptive packagingNext
Direct printing on packaging - T3-OPX Direct printing on ink-receptive packaging
The T3-OPX - direct printing on packaging - is designed to print on a wide variety of ink-receptive surfaces such as cardboard, postcards, boxes, pape...

Location and contact

AddressWaldstrasse 70, DE-63128 Dietzenbach

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