

A Pastricciola, I Salducci, Lumio 20260
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34 Product and services

After-Sun Massage Oil - Massage Oils
After-Sun Massage Oil - Massage Oils
10,83 €
To soothe the skin of the face and body after prolonged sun exposure. Composition HE immortelle MS millepertuis HV jojoba. Apply to the affected are...
Arti+ Massage Oil - Massage Oils
Arti+ Massage Oil - Massage Oils
10,83 €
A massage oil to relieve pain. Prepares for effort and promotes muscle relaxation after physical activity. Composition HE immortelle* HE pin laricio...
Helichrysum Essential Oil - Essential Oils
Helichrysum Essential Oil - Essential Oils
10,67 €
helichrysum italicum ssp Corsica a murza Its name means "golden sun", and it is easy to imagine its properties and understand its reputation. It is t...
Astra-vir Massage Oil - Massage Oils
Astra-vir Massage Oil - Massage Oils
10,83 €
To relieve the burning sensation caused by herpes around the lips. Composition Ravintsara essential oil Calophyllum vegetable oil 1 or 2 drops appli...
Cic'astra Massage Oil - Massage Oils
Cic'astra Massage Oil - Massage Oils
10,83 €
To improve the appearance and flexibility of skin with scars, even old ones. Composition Immortelle essential oil Chilean rosehip oil Apply a few d...
Relaxation Massage Oil - Massage Oils
Relaxation Massage Oil - Massage Oils
7,50 €
To promote relaxation and calm the mind and body, to prepare for sleep, to relieve muscle tension due to physical exertion. Composition HE myrtle 1.
Aromatic Rosemary Hydrosol with Verbenone - Hydrosols
Aromatic Rosemary Hydrosol with Verbenone - Hydrosols
4,08 €
Main indications in cosmetology for oily skin. In aromatherapy, for internal use, to drain the hepatobiliary sphere. Ref: HYDrabv200 Main indication...
Toning Massage Oil - Massage Oils
Toning Massage Oil - Massage Oils
7,50 €
Energizing massage oil. Improves skin tone. Composition Rosemary essential oil with verbenone* Jojoba oil * Product from Organic Farming A few dro...
Immortelle Aromatic Hydrosol - Hydrosols
Immortelle Aromatic Hydrosol - Hydrosols
4,08 €
Therapeutic indications in aromatherapy, used as a spray for minor injuries in children (bruises and open wounds). In cosmetology (couperose...). Ref...
Juniper Hydrosol - Hydrosols
Juniper Hydrosol - Hydrosols
4,08 €
Therapeutic indications: promotes diuresis and acts on water retention. 3-week course: 1 tablespoon in 1.5 liters of water. Ref: HYDgn200 Therapeuti...
Aromatic Myrtle Hydrosol - Hydrosols
Aromatic Myrtle Hydrosol - Hydrosols
4,08 €
Therapeutic indications in cosmetics, astringent action on the skin. Ref: HYDm200 Therapeutic indications: in cosmetics, astringent action on the ski...
Essential Oil of Inula Graveolens - Essential Oils
Essential Oil of Inula Graveolens - Essential Oils
10,42 €
Inula graveolens (L.) Desf. a pecitella Asteraceae found in fallow lands, along roadsides, its autumn flowering is fleeting and bright, its essential...
Astr'asis Massage Oil - Massage Oils
Astr'asis Massage Oil - Massage Oils
10,83 €
To improve the appearance of the skin and relieve discomfort caused by psoriasis. Composition Essential oil of lavender Essential oil of immortelle ...
Anti-Cellulite Massage Oil - Massage Oils
Anti-Cellulite Massage Oil - Massage Oils
7,50 €
To improve the appearance of skin areas with cellulite. Composition - Juniper essential oil - Laricio pine essential oil - Mastic essential oil - Jo...
Common Myrtle Essential Oil 1.8 Cineole - Essential Oils
Common Myrtle Essential Oil 1.8 Cineole - Essential Oils
10,00 €
Myrtus communis L. cinéoliférum A Morta This shrub with bright green foliage produces delicate and graceful flowers at the end of spring and bears be...

Location and contact

AddressA Pastricciola, I Salducci, FR-20260 Lumio

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