

19 CHE DU GUE , Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert 42170
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98 Product and services

Electric Label Distributors
Electric Label Distributors
Electric dispenser for labels or pre-cut adhesive pieces. For labels widths: 5 to 110mm. Dispenser with photoelectric cell allowing for pre-peeling of...
American Etiquette Cardboard
American Etiquette Cardboard
Cardboard etiquette with or without printing, suitable for internal use, can be written on with pencil or pen. Equipped with a fixing hole for attachm...
Automatic Opaque Stretch Film
Automatic Opaque Stretch Film
Available in white or black. Opaque polyethylene film. Identical properties to clear stretch film with enhanced privacy guaranteed.
Stratos High-Performance Stretch Film
Stratos High-Performance Stretch Film
A 5-layer stretch film with the possibility of pre-stretching up to 300%. Retains mechanical properties such as puncture resistance, cling force, and ...
The ELIT Max film, low-temperature shrink film. The ELIT Max shrink film is a high-performance film with low shrink temperature. - Low shrink tempera...
TESA Material Bonding Adhesive
TESA Material Bonding Adhesive
Specific for the assembly of rubber clichés, particularly used in the plastic, textile, and cardboard industries.
Polypropylene Straps
Polypropylene Straps
Flexible, lightweight, and maneuverable, they are very easy to use. Resistance: approximately 200kg. The textured surface facilitates the application ...
All-purpose paper masking tape tesa 4323
All-purpose paper masking tape tesa 4323
tesa® 4323 is a finely creped paper masking tape with a natural rubber adhesive. The product is suitable for all types of applications: masking, holdi...
Postal Shipping Boxes CP066/067
Postal Shipping Boxes CP066/067
For a safer shipment of fragile spare parts, promotional items and gifts, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, toys, computer supplies, and electroni...
Universal Brown Shipping Cases CP020
Universal Brown Shipping Cases CP020
For the secure shipping of books, CDs, printed documents of all kinds, catalogs, calendars, brochures, gifts, data carriers, etc. Enhanced corner pro...
High Temperature Masking Adhesive tesa 4331
High Temperature Masking Adhesive tesa 4331
tesa® 4331 is a highly temperature-resistant masking adhesive for smooth surfaces, featuring the following characteristics: strong adhesive power and ...
TESA 60400 Transparent Adhesive
TESA 60400 Transparent Adhesive
For this innovative product, TESA has raised the bar on our product development skills. The material chosen for the backing of this tape is PLA, which...
Gummy Power
Gummy Power
A gummed tape, made of pure vellum kraft and a quick-setting adhesive, ensures an almost immediate and permanent seal: the adhesive penetrates deeply ...
The PRO PAK’R is equipped with the latest technology. It is a fast, user-friendly, and compact machine. The PRO PAK’R allows for the production of var...
Micro/Macro Perforated Stretch Film
Micro/Macro Perforated Stretch Film
Film widely used in the food industry, allowing for air circulation around the packaged product.

Location and contact

Address19 CHE DU GUE , FR-42170 Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert

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