

31 rue Auger, Pantin 93500
Founded: 2014
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us

5 Product and services

Optimization of your administrative organization - Save time... save money
Optimization of your administrative organization - Save time... save money
Audit and implementation of an optimal administrative and accounting organization Creation and improvement of internal procedures Creation of template...
Administrative Management - Free yourself from time-consuming tasks that hinder your development
Administrative Management - Free yourself from time-consuming tasks that hinder your development
Agenda management, appointments, travel, correspondence, emails... Drafting letters, notes, summaries, reports,... Formatting tables and PowerPoint pr...
Why outsource your administrative management - Outsourcing, a lever of competitiveness for your business
Why outsource your administrative management - Outsourcing, a lever of competitiveness for your business
By outsourcing part or all of your administrative management: • you free yourself from time-consuming tasks that hinder your development • you dedicat...
Tenders - New Opportunities to Win Contracts
Tenders - New Opportunities to Win Contracts
Monitoring of tenders and withdrawal of tender documents Collection of tender documents, company registration & technical specifications Analysis and ...
Commercial and Financial Management - Boost Your Business
Commercial and Financial Management - Boost Your Business
Entry and tracking of your quotes, purchase orders, invoices, and expense reports Tracking of client files Creation and updating of databases (prospec...

Location and contact

Address31 rue Auger, FR-93500 Pantin
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