

Organize sanayi Bolgesi Sakarya Caddesi, no:7 Kutlukent/ Tekkekoy, Samsun 55300
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1964
Employees: 1000+
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About us

40 Product and services

battery bells - battery bells
battery bells - battery bells
The company produces battery cymbals using traditional methods, 100% handmade, in B20 alloys. B20 is made from bronze with 20% tin. Copper used is 99.
battery bells - B20 battery bells
battery bells - B20 battery bells
B20 is made from tin-coated copper bronze. It uses 99.99% copper as the base material. After being shaped by hand and turned on a lathe, it undergoes ...
Copper Sheet - ETP Oxygen-Free Copper Sheet, Copper Plate, Copper Pipe
Copper Sheet - ETP Oxygen-Free Copper Sheet, Copper Plate, Copper Pipe
Our company has a range of products in various variations, sizes, and cross-sections for use in the electrical engineering sector, such as in anodes a...
copper rod - ETP Cu Oxygen Free Copper Rod, Copper Sheet, Copper Pipe, Copper Bar, Copper Plate
copper rod - ETP Cu Oxygen Free Copper Rod, Copper Sheet, Copper Pipe, Copper Bar, Copper Plate
Our company produces high conductivity copper bars for our valued customers, to be used in contactors, electroplating, switching facilities, shipbuild...
Copper Braided Wire - ETP Cu Oxygen Free Copper Braided Wire
Copper Braided Wire - ETP Cu Oxygen Free Copper Braided Wire
Copper has always been a standard material in electrical installations. This is because it provides easy conductivity and good permeability in electri...
Lead Sheet - Min 99.90% Purity Safe Lead Sheet
Lead Sheet - Min 99.90% Purity Safe Lead Sheet
Arslan Metal produces lead sheets to offer to its customers for various purposes. Among these varieties: * As a radiation shield in laboratories, hos...
Copper Sheet - ETP-DHP Oxygen Free Copper Sheet
Copper Sheet - ETP-DHP Oxygen Free Copper Sheet
Our company produces copper sheets in a wide variety of options tailored to our customers' needs. The copper sheets we manufacture are available in so...
Cu-ETP kaynak kontak meme - Cu-ETP welding contact tips and nozzle bakır kaynak memesi
Cu-ETP kaynak kontak meme - Cu-ETP welding contact tips and nozzle bakır kaynak memesi
we are the only company in the world that has the production process of welding copper nozzle from raw copper .
Bakır Levha - Copper Sheet
Bakır Levha - Copper Sheet
We offer wide range of copper sheets that are made with accuracy to suit the client’s specification. We manufacture these copper sheets soft, hard and...
lead sheet - lead sheet, radiation,x-ray rooms,roofingNext
lead sheet - lead sheet, radiation,x-ray rooms,roofing
Arslan Metal offers Sheet Lead for many applications that include Radiation Shielding - laboratories, hospitals, dental offices and veterinary clinics...
Sınkers for net
Sınkers for net
There are many different types of sinkers and a variety of shapes and sizes in the world. Arslan metal is concentrate primarily on the most commonly u...
copper rod - copper rod,copper wire rod,8mm copper rodNext
copper rod - copper rod,copper wire rod,8mm copper rod
We offer a wide range of rods, which are used for electroplating, switchgear, ship building and power generating equipment, as they are high-conductiv...
Lead Rolls
Lead Rolls
Lead rolls are cylindrical or flat-shaped metallic components primarily composed of lead or lead alloys. These rolls serve various industrial purposes...
Lead Sheet
Lead Sheet
Arslan Metal offers Sheet Lead for many applications that include Radiation Shielding - laboratories, hospitals, dental offices and veterinary clinics...
Ses Yalıtımı -  Soud Proof Lead Sheet
Ses Yalıtımı - Soud Proof Lead Sheet
Soundproofing is becoming ever more important because of the noise polluting our environment. Sheet lead is one of the basic materials for acoustic co...

Keywords1 keyword

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Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Credit card
Mail transfer

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
COD - Cash on Delivery
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressOrganize sanayi Bolgesi Sakarya Caddesi, no:7 Kutlukent/ Tekkekoy, TR-55300 Samsun
Sales Director:
Sales Director:
Sales Director:
Info Arslan Metal
Purchasing Director:

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