

4 RUE FLEURY, Claye Souilly 77410
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 5-9
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About us

6 Product and services

Industrial Suspensions - High Power Indoor Outdoor Industrial Lighting for Large Heights
Industrial Suspensions - High Power Indoor Outdoor Industrial Lighting for Large Heights
A range of products specifically developed to meet the most refined demands for high-bay lighting in storage warehouses, production lines, industrial ...
Components for the maintenance of public lighting
Components for the maintenance of public lighting
A wide range of components and equipment for streetlights - Alternative Components represents and distributes a selection of recognized manufacturers ...
Electronic Components - Passive, Electromechanical, Active Components, Cords and Audio
Electronic Components - Passive, Electromechanical, Active Components, Cords and Audio
Alternative Components distributes a wide range of electronic components intended for the industry. Our sources are always direct from manufacturers, ...
Sound Level Display Analyzer - Analyzes ambient sound levels and translates them into 3 representative icons.
Sound Level Display Analyzer - Analyzes ambient sound levels and translates them into 3 representative icons.
* The integration of the display can take place wherever it is necessary to raise public awareness about noise levels and their nuisances: schools, li...
LED lighting systems dedicated to tertiary - Indoor (and/or outdoor) application for offices, stores, buildings
LED lighting systems dedicated to tertiary - Indoor (and/or outdoor) application for offices, stores, buildings
Alternative components offers a wide range of LED lighting systems dedicated to the tertiary sector. All our products are developed according to the l...
LED Projectors for Industry - Outdoor Application for Industry and High-Power Public Lighting
LED Projectors for Industry - Outdoor Application for Industry and High-Power Public Lighting
A range of high-quality, high-efficiency projectors developed from the latest LED and power supply technological advancements. Here, there are no subs...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange

Payment terms

D/C - Documentary Collection

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

Address4 RUE FLEURY, FR-77410 Claye Souilly

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