

Bussenstrasse 29, Mengen 88512
Founded: 1995
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11 Product and services

Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 80x80...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 80x160...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 40x80...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 40x120...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 80x120...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 40x160...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 30x30...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 45x45...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 20x40 S...
Wave grid powder-coated in RAL1023 smooth glossy
Wave grid powder-coated in RAL1023 smooth glossy
Powder-coated wave grid. Stable wire mesh. Material: Galvanized steel. Custom cuts available upon request. Powder coating available in all RAL colors...
Aluminium Profile
Aluminium Profile
Aluminum Profile in Various Designs - 80x80 L/S - 80x120 S - 80x160 S Dimensions: 40x40...

Company images

Handheld Powder Coating SystemAttachment 1: 6000 x 2000 x 2700mm up to 1000kAttachment 3: 600 x 1400 x 400mm up to 10kgAttachment 2: 1100 x 1500 x 800mm up to 20kgRubber coatingAlu-Profil SystemsKTL Priming Small PartsKTL Priming Large Parts

Location and contact

AddressBussenstrasse 29, DE-88512 Mengen

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