

Carl-Leverkus-Str. 10 a, Langenfeld 40764
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1980
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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24 Product and services

The degreaser is suitable for cleaning in households and industries, as well as for workshops, engines, machines, ship decks, ship superstructures, sa...
Window Scraper Bionic
Window Scraper Bionic
Window and surface scraper, safe and very stable. Also usable with telescopic poles. Comes with a safety cap. We also have compatible replacement blad...
Basic Cleaner
Basic Cleaner
For basic cleaning needs in households and industrial/food service operations. Suitable for all solvent-resistant and water-resistant floor coverings ...
Wheel Cleaner Plus
Wheel Cleaner Plus
It is applied undiluted or diluted depending on the level of dirt at a ratio of 1:1 to 1:5 onto the rims using a hand sprayer or applied with an acid-...
Eco Vinegar Cleaner
Eco Vinegar Cleaner
Allrein Vinegar Cleaner ECO removes greasy dirt crusts, limescale soap, and oxidation deposits from all acid-resistant surfaces and objects such as ti...
Active Cleaner
Active Cleaner
Low-foam, phosphate-free, and solvent-free cleaner for all types of flooring as well as glass, plastic, painted wood, and metal furniture. Active cle...
Mop Cleaner, concentrated, liquid
Mop Cleaner, concentrated, liquid
Strong alkaline liquid mop cleaner with deep dirt-dissolving effect. Powerful for full washing in just one wash cycle at 30 °C – 90 °C.
Basic Cleaner for the Food Industry, Acidic, Extra Strong
Basic Cleaner for the Food Industry, Acidic, Extra Strong
For cleaning pipelines, transport and storage tanks, heating plates, conveyor belts, and cheese molds in the food and beverage industry. The basic cle...
Defoamer Concentrate
Defoamer Concentrate
Allrein Defoamer Concentrate eliminates all foam issues in machine surface cleaning. Suitable for all types of cleaning equipment.
Express Cleaner RM13
Express Cleaner RM13
Express cleaner is suitable for cleaning in households and industrial enterprises, as well as for workshops, engines, machines, ship decks, ship struc...
Copper Plaster
Copper Plaster
Cleans and polishes all metals, glass, and crystal. Excellent anodized aluminum care product.
Window & Floor Scraper
Window & Floor Scraper
Enables comfortable standing work. Comes with a protective cap for added safety. We also have compatible replacement blades in our range.
Extra Strong Facade Cleaner
Extra Strong Facade Cleaner
Effective, highly acidic cleaning agent for acid-resistant stone facades and floors. It removes silicate, lime, cement deposits, as well as metal oxid...
KSL 2000 Adhesive Remover
KSL 2000 Adhesive Remover
Solvent cleaner for removing adhesive residues, such as those caused by glued carpets.
Handysept – Hand and Spray Disinfectant
Handysept – Hand and Spray Disinfectant
High-quality hand sanitizer for households and all professions, especially for the food industry. The product is alcohol-based and has limited virucid...

Company images

Basic CleanerActive CleanerAbflussfrei RohreinigerExpress cleanerCar ShampooPool CleanerPipe brushDisinfection stations

Location and contact

AddressCarl-Leverkus-Str. 10 a, DE-40764 Langenfeld

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