

In den Weiden 26, Altbach 73776
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1933
Employees: 50-99
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92 Product and services

Vacuum Switches, Vacuum Gauges, and Warning Units - Vacuum Switch VSEI
Vacuum Switches, Vacuum Gauges, and Warning Units - Vacuum Switch VSEI
Vacuum Switch VSEI Meas.range Exit Connections -1 ... 1 bar 1 x digital G1/8 electronical inline vacuum switch with adjustable switching points...
Vacuum Pumps, Blowers and Ejectors - Vacuum Blower SKV
Vacuum Pumps, Blowers and Ejectors - Vacuum Blower SKV
Vacuum Blower SKV Design Cap. (m³/h) Vacuum (mbar) Power (kW) directly driven 40 ... 720 -150 ... -400 0,37 ... 9,0...
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Thread Union X Form, GVS-X
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Thread Union X Form, GVS-X
Thread Union X Form, GVS-X Thread G1/8 ... G1...
Mounting Elements in Modular Design - Joint Holder HSG
Mounting Elements in Modular Design - Joint Holder HSG
Joint Holder HSG Connections: M5 ... M16 G1/8 ... G1/4 Joint holder for adjustmentof the padsto curved surfaces...
Vacuum Switches, Vacuum Gauges, and Warning Units - Vacuum Gauge VM
Vacuum Switches, Vacuum Gauges, and Warning Units - Vacuum Gauge VM
Vacuum Gauge VM Meas.range (bar) Connections -1 ... 0 G1/4 ... G1/2 visual control of the vacuum with „red-green“-section...
Vacuum Switches, Vacuum Gauges, and Warning Units - Vacuum Switch VSMH-1/4
Vacuum Switches, Vacuum Gauges, and Warning Units - Vacuum Switch VSMH-1/4
Vacuum Switch VSMH-1/4 Meas.range Exit Connections -0,85 ... -0,35 bar 1 x digital, Hysterese 20% G1/4 mechanical vacuum switch with preset switching ...
Suction Pads - GF 20 - 85 VU
Suction Pads - GF 20 - 85 VU
GF 20 - 85 VU Dimension Ø: Capacity (N): Materials: 20 --- 85 25 ... 220 VU universal...
Suction Pads - GFD 20 - 85 VU
Suction Pads - GFD 20 - 85 VU
GFD 20 - 85 VU Dimension Ø: Capacity (N): Materials: 20 ... 85 24 ... 290 VU universal...
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Vacuum Hose VS
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Vacuum Hose VS
Vacuum Hose VS Hose-Ø 4 ... 16 for Ejectors and Pneumatic Elements...
Suction Pads - G 20 - 100 VU
Suction Pads - G 20 - 100 VU
G 20 - 100 VU Dimensions Ø: Capacity (N): Materials: 20 ... 100 16 ... 300 VU universal...
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Sealing Rings DR
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Sealing Rings DR
Sealing Rings DR for Thread G1/8 ... G11/2...
Vacuum Pumps, Blowers and Ejectors - Vacuum Blower SD
Vacuum Pumps, Blowers and Ejectors - Vacuum Blower SD
Vacuum Blower SD Design Cap. (m³/h) Vacuum (mbar) Power (kW) w/ fly-wheel 170 ... 280 -180 ... -250 1,1 ... 2,3...
Vacuum Valves and Vacuum Islands - Valve Island VI
Vacuum Valves and Vacuum Islands - Valve Island VI
Valve Island VI Nom.width (mm) Flow rate (l/min) Control 6 800 Profi-Bus simultaneous vacuum control of several suction circuits...
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Plug-in Connection Y Form, SVS-Y
Plug-in Connections, Hoses, and Cables - Plug-in Connection Y Form, SVS-Y
Plug-in Connection Y Form, SVS-Y Thread conn. Hose-Ø M5 ... G1/2 4 ... 16...
Vacuum Pumps, Blowers and Ejectors - Energy Unit VEE-T
Vacuum Pumps, Blowers and Ejectors - Energy Unit VEE-T
Energy Unit VEE-T Contents (l) Cap. (m³/h) Vacuum (mbar) with oilless pump 15 ... 200 4 ... 40 -850 ... -900...

Location and contact

AddressIn den Weiden 26, DE-73776 Altbach

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