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Stettenklinge 1, Pfaffenhofen 74397
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1987
Employees: 50-99
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10 Product and services

Bark Mulch/Bark Humus Pine Bark - Cortex - The Essentials Covered or Pine Bark Decorative Mulch, Practical and Durable
Bark Mulch/Bark Humus Pine Bark - Cortex - The Essentials Covered or Pine Bark Decorative Mulch, Practical and Durable
Our Cortex bark mulch consists of pure, shredded, and screened wood bark. We primarily use spruce, fir, or pine bark. Cortex is suitable for covering ...
Wood Chips - Forest Wood - The Natural Alternative
Wood Chips - Forest Wood - The Natural Alternative
Our forest wood chips are made from trunk wood, while the residual wood chips come from crown wood. After processing, these can be used as renewable e...
Compost Soil - Humus - Our Soil Improver
Compost Soil - Humus - Our Soil Improver
Humus is our fine compost with RAL quality seal – ideal for poor soils! It consists of grass, hedge, and tree clippings. The organic materials are opt...
Tree Substrate - Terraligno III (with Terra Preta) - Black Earth (produced with biochar)
Tree Substrate - Terraligno III (with Terra Preta) - Black Earth (produced with biochar)
A sustainable and reliable tree substrate for healthy and robust tree plants. We offer a substrate with biochar that provides additional value alongsi...
Wood Chips - Green Waste - Our Warmer
Wood Chips - Green Waste - Our Warmer
Woody green waste from separate collection is accepted at our large, paved facilities in Pfaffenhofen and Heilbronn, where it is shredded or chopped u...
Wood Chips - Reclaimed Wood - From Old to New
Wood Chips - Reclaimed Wood - From Old to New
We produce contaminant-free wood chips from used wood for material and energy utilization. As a certified waste management company according to § 52 K...
Black Earth - Terra Preta - 'Terra preta' made with plant charcoal, just like from the Amazon rainforest
Black Earth - Terra Preta - 'Terra preta' made with plant charcoal, just like from the Amazon rainforest
This product is rich in plant nutrients and humus from a highly hygienic and professional composting of green waste. The high pH level of the biochar ...
Briquettes - Briquettes - the fuel made from wood without binders and additives
Briquettes - Briquettes - the fuel made from wood without binders and additives
Calorific value: min. 17.5 MJ/kg – Residual ash content 0.6% made from pure oak / ash planing shavings without binders and additives.
Wood Chips - Certe and Simplex
Wood Chips - Certe and Simplex
For Garden and Playground Certe is our TÜV-certified wood chips made from industrial roundwood – without bark content. Due to the double screening to...
Tree substrates (Terraligno I & II) - Substrate for planting pit I and II according to 'Recommendations for Tree Planting'
Tree substrates (Terraligno I & II) - Substrate for planting pit I and II according to 'Recommendations for Tree Planting'
For planting pits that are covered with traffic areas, the substrate must not only meet the vegetation-related requirements but also the load-bearing ...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressStettenklinge 1, DE-74397 Pfaffenhofen

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