

4 Rue des compagnons, Zi des châtelets, Pledran 22960
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2011
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7 Product and services

Modular poultry slaughtering constructionNext
Modular poultry slaughtering construction
We design modules tailored to your needs from slaughtering – all species – to the sales store. Whether you process 50 to 1200 poultry per week, we hav...
Custom Modular Facility DesignNext
Custom Modular Facility Design
Modular installations manufactured in France Because the design of your tool is our priority, we offer, as an option, a wooden cladding across our en...
Modular Construction for Food Processing - All SpeciesNext
Modular Construction for Food Processing - All Species
Dedicated module for the cutting and preparation of all types of meat (beef, sheep, pork, goat, etc.). We offer you - as an option - a module that inc...
Sales & Storage StoreNext
Sales & Storage Store
Storage and Direct Sales Module The module includes: - the store area - the product storage space - a technical room Optional: * any specific eq...
Modular Installation for Mobile Slaughter - Semi for Sheep & GoatsNext
Modular Installation for Mobile Slaughter - Semi for Sheep & Goats
Mobile Sheep Slaughtering Semen Slaughtering process for sheep & goats, cools and stores up to 150 carcasses! Highlights: - Autonomous (energy), -...
Cutting & Cooking Module / Prepared DishesNext
Cutting & Cooking Module / Prepared Dishes
Dedicated module for the transformation and preparation of cooked dishes. The module includes: - 1 meat entry (with suspended rails) (refrigerated) ...
Custom Prefabricated Design - Construction Module / Technical Room / OfficesNext
Custom Prefabricated Design - Construction Module / Technical Room / Offices
In general, we can create a module tailored to any type of use, fully customized to your needs. Why a module? - to become self-sufficient, - t...

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Location and contact

Address4 Rue des compagnons, Zi des châtelets, FR-22960 Pledran

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