Grotrian-Steinweg-Strasse 5, Braunschweig 38112
Founded: 2000
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5 Product and services

LDPE Tubing Film
LDPE Tubing Film
Sleeve film is used for all products with varying lengths. The sleeve film is delivered on a roll and can be welded to the desired length, ensuring y...
Machine Stretch Films
Machine Stretch Films
High-performance stretch film for the highest demands: • Excellent puncture resistance and elasticity • Core-wound, available in 17, 20, and 23 μ, 500...
Stretching Machine Power Semi-Automatic Stretching Machine with Pre-Stretch System
Stretching Machine Power Semi-Automatic Stretching Machine with Pre-Stretch System
Easy-Load System, open front flap, insert film, close front flap, done! • Cross and spiral wrapping program, cover sheet program, manual • Clear disp...
PE Film Packaging
PE Film Packaging
We provide tailored packaging solutions for smaller applications in the craft sector all the way to fully automated industrial applications. Our comp...
LDPE Drawstring Bag
LDPE Drawstring Bag
In double drawstring bags, a dual cord system is welded at the top edge of the bag. This allows for comfortable multiple opening and closing when usi...

Location and contact

AddressGrotrian-Steinweg-Strasse 5, DE-38112 Braunschweig

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