AVE KRYONERIOY 9, Attiki 145 65
Founded: 1973
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About us
Afroplas specializes in the construction of PVC fishing net floats in various shapes and sizes for use in all depths of the sea. Afroplas exports its products to many countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. We use state-of-the-art equipment and procedures that, combined with our decades of experience and our complete control throughout the production process, guarantee the best quality and excellent value.

7 Product and services

Oval fishing net floats
Oval fishing net floats
Fishing net floats for use in all depths of the sea...
Torch floats
Torch floats
Pvc fishing net floats...
Deep water floats
Deep water floats
Pvc fishing net floats...
Deep water floats
Deep water floats
Pvc fiahing net floats...
Pvc fishing net floats...
Barrel floats
Barrel floats
Pvc fishing net floats...
Deep water floats
Deep water floats
Pvc fishing net floats...

Location and contact

AddressAVE KRYONERIOY 9, GR-145 65 Attiki

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