

Industriestraat 39, Zone 2, Zele 9240
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1988
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6 Product and services

Crackstop F fibrillated microfibre
Crackstop F fibrillated microfibre
Crackstop F is is a fibrillated microfibre that reduces the occurrence of plastic shrinkage cracking and plastic settlement whilst enhancing the surfa...
Durus S500 fibre for concrete reinforcement
Durus S500 fibre for concrete reinforcement
Durus S500 is proving increasingly popular with designers, contractors and project owners. This synthetic macro-fibre has shown to be a valid alternat...
Ignis Passive Fire Protection Fibre - Passive Fire Protection Fibre
Ignis Passive Fire Protection Fibre - Passive Fire Protection Fibre
Over the last two decades IGNIS has been used in many tunnels, primarily to provide passive fire resistance to the concrete structure, whether this is...
Durus EasyShot fibre for concrete - Fibre for Shotcrete
Durus EasyShot fibre for concrete - Fibre for Shotcrete
Durus S500 is proving increasingly popular with designers, contractors and project owners. This synthetic macro-fibre has shown to be a valid alternat...
Crackctop M synthetic concrete reinforcement - Micro monofilament fibre for crack control
Crackctop M synthetic concrete reinforcement - Micro monofilament fibre for crack control
The Adfil micro synthetic concrete reinforcement portfolio includes a range of high performance monofilament polypropylene fibres. These serve as an a...
Durus EasyFinish fibre for concrete reinforcement
Durus EasyFinish fibre for concrete reinforcement
Durus polypropylene macro-synthetic fibres have revolutionised concrete construction, eliminating the need for steel mesh or fibres in many applicatio...

Location and contact

AddressIndustriestraat 39, Zone 2, BE-9240 Zele

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