

Jurgio Dobkeviciaus Str., 7, Vilnius LT-02189
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1993
Employees: 200-499
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34 Product and services

Transportation of animals - Services
Transportation of animals - Services
Transportation of animals Transportation of animals by air is one of the most interesting AD REM TRANSPORT activities. This service is chosen by thos...
Logistics - Services
Logistics - Services
AD REM Group is a supplier of logistics services which performs planning, implementation and control of the supply chain. Services provided: Storage...
Relocation services in Klaipėda, Lithuania - Services
Relocation services in Klaipėda, Lithuania - Services
Relocation services in Klaipėda Relocation services in Klaipėda offered by the qualified and internationally appreciated team of professionals workin...
Rail transportation - Services
Rail transportation - Services
Rail transportation Rail transportation plays the important role in terms of cargo delivery to Russia, CIS and EU countries. Contracts with Lithuani...
Freight forwarding in Klaipėda - Services
Freight forwarding in Klaipėda - Services
Freight forwarder in Klaipėda — AD REM LEZ AD REM LEZ logistics center was established in the beginning of 2007 and belongs to the one of the largest...
Warehousing services in Klaipeda - Services
Warehousing services in Klaipeda - Services
Warehousing services in Klaipeda Port of Klaipeda - the northernmost ice-free port in the Baltic Sea. New and modern (Category A) under customs contr...
"INTRASTAT" reporting services - Services
"INTRASTAT" reporting services - Services
Intrastat reporting - one of the services provided by AD REM. Sombedy might wonder why the statistics of trade between the countries are still being c...
Cargo shipping to Germany - Services
Cargo shipping to Germany - Services
Freight forwarding to / from Germany Partial cargo transportation (LTL): Cargo collection through the terminals: every day Cargo collection with the ...
International freight forwarding by road - Services
International freight forwarding by road - Services
Road transportation is the biggest division in Transportation department. Qualified transport managers forward cargoes to/from all the European and CI...
TIR Carnet document - Services
TIR Carnet document - Services
Tir Carnet TIR Carnet is a customs transit document used to prove the existence of the international guarantee for duties and taxes for the goods tra...
Packing services: packing, materials and lading - Services
Packing services: packing, materials and lading - Services
Packing services: packing, materials and lading In order to transport the objects under relocation safely high-quality cargo packing is important. It...
Forwarding - Transportation services
Forwarding - Transportation services
Services provided and types of transportation: Road transportation; Rail transportation; Air transportation; Sea transportation; Multimodal transport...
Customs brokerage in Lithuania - Services
Customs brokerage in Lithuania - Services
Customs brokerage AD REM – the largest customs brokerage company in Lithuania, and one of the leaders’ in this business. AD REM is also a front-runn...
Import and export terminal - Services
Import and export terminal - Services
Import and export terminal Purpose: Provides possibility of temporary storage of imported, exported and transit goods. Clients: All registered physi...
Transportation of furniture, relocation from England to Lithuania - Services
Transportation of furniture, relocation from England to Lithuania - Services
Transportation of furniture, relocation from England to Lithuania Each resettlement, especially the international one, is a unique process that requi...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

AddressJurgio Dobkeviciaus Str., 7, LT-LT-02189 Vilnius

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