

Lange baan 21, Steenwijk 8331LW
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3 Product and services

Sandpaper - More than 2000 types of sandpaper
Sandpaper - More than 2000 types of sandpaper
At Klingsporshop, you can find the perfect sanding solution for any job! Whether you want to sand walls or woodwork, remove rust or paint, or level su...
Cutting Discs - Choose from over 160 cutting discs
Cutting Discs - Choose from over 160 cutting discs
To achieve the best results when cutting stone, metal, and concrete, it is essential to use the right cutting discs. At Klingsporshop, you can choose ...
Sanding Belts - More than 400 types of sanding belts
Sanding Belts - More than 400 types of sanding belts
At Klingsporshop, you'll find the perfect sanding belt for every application! With over 400 different types, such as Powerfile, Wide Belts, and Sandin...

Location and contact

AddressLange baan 21, NL-8331LW Steenwijk

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