Birkenallee 2-4, Wildau 15745
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About us
We provide everything the industry needs, from a scoop of ice cream to a turnkey ice cream café. 25 years of experience speak for themselves! Our ice cream school is world-renowned.

9 Product and services

Nordcap - EL 51 XLE (Freezer & Impulse Cooler)
Nordcap - EL 51 XLE (Freezer & Impulse Cooler)
Energy-saving deep freezer EL 51 XLE, with foamed hinged lid and 100 mm energy-saving insulation • Plug-and-play commercial energy-saving deep freeze...
Granitor® NG 10
Granitor® NG 10
With the new generation of granita machines, production is being revolutionized both technically and energetically. The new generation of granita mac...
Nordcap - TKU 701 Series (Freezer Storage Cabinet)
Nordcap - TKU 701 Series (Freezer Storage Cabinet)
Recirculation - Commercial deep freezer available in plug-in or central cooling version for connection to an external refrigeration system.
Frigomat - Mix 8 (Cooker)
Frigomat - Mix 8 (Cooker)
The 'MIX 8' is an essential machine for ice laboratories.
NordCap SDN 215 L / W (Ice Cube Maker)
NordCap SDN 215 L / W (Ice Cube Maker)
Plug-and-play refrigeration machine Ice cube maker SDN 215 W, water-cooled • Plug-and-play refrigeration machine with water-cooled condenser • Ice c...
Telme DELTA, DELTA 6 & DELTA 12 (Slicing Machine)
Telme DELTA, DELTA 6 & DELTA 12 (Slicing Machine)
Cream Mixing Machines for Continuous Use DELTA 12, Cream Mixing Machines for Continuous Use. Built for large businesses and industrial applications, ...
Nordcap - Backwarentiefkühltisch BTKT-O 3-800 (Deep Freezer Table)
Nordcap - Backwarentiefkühltisch BTKT-O 3-800 (Deep Freezer Table)
Basic version with doors and without worktop. The base variant can be individually customized to meet your needs with worktops with or without upstand...
Carpigiani 191 Spaghetti Soft (Soft Ice Cream Machine)
Carpigiani 191 Spaghetti Soft (Soft Ice Cream Machine)
Table model with dispensing tap for producing traditional soft ice cream or spaghetti ice. The table model 191 SPAGHETTI SOFT from Carpigiani is a pu...
Nordcap - FKUv 1612 (Bottle Refrigerator)
Nordcap - FKUv 1612 (Bottle Refrigerator)
Recirculating Commercial Refrigerator FKUv 1612, equipped with glass door, suitable for under-counter installation...

Location and contact

AddressBirkenallee 2-4, DE-15745 Wildau
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