

5 rue de la Poste, Seyssinet-Pariset 38170
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1987
Employees: 5-9
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4 Product and services

ExtendSim - Simulation of continuous, discrete, and hybrid flows for industry and services
ExtendSim - Simulation of continuous, discrete, and hybrid flows for industry and services
ExtendSim is a widely used flow simulation software in the industrial sector, designed to study production lines, compare scheduling or layouts, produ...
PyroSim - Fire, Smoke, and Airflow Simulation
PyroSim - Fire, Smoke, and Airflow Simulation
PyroSim is software linked to FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator), the standard for studying fires and their spread in buildings. It serves as both a graphi...
Flow Simulation - Dynamic Simulation of Complex System Behavior (Industry, Services)
Flow Simulation - Dynamic Simulation of Complex System Behavior (Industry, Services)
Flow simulation is an approach that involves creating a computer model of a dynamic system. Then, it studies the behavior of the system through repeat...
Pathfinder - Simulation of people flow for evacuation or daily activities
Pathfinder - Simulation of people flow for evacuation or daily activities
Pathfinder simulates the movement of people within buildings (public places, train stations, office buildings, stadiums, museums, hospitals, etc.) to ...

Location and contact

Address5 rue de la Poste, FR-38170 Seyssinet-Pariset

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